Leona Dadian Akers

I am a California native, born in San Francisco, grew up in Marin County, and now living in Sonoma County. I've been drawing and painting for as long as I can remember, with art always being a part of my life and an integral part of who I am. I have a passion for creating art, working with the intricacy of the colors, and the way it all comes together to produce a work that is pleasing to me. Making art and looking at art has been a mainstay in my life. Expressing myself through art was a way for me to deal with life as I was growing up, and making art gave me hope and encouragement that the world was a beautiful place. Art saved me over and over again. I was encouraged by many around me, however I was discouraged from making art a choice for a career. It wasn’t until relatively recently, when one of my friends gave me a show at his home, that I began to “speak” as an artist through my paintings. I see beauty in everything around me and I am always trying to capture that illusive moment of brilliance in my work, so that hopefully others can feel what I felt and share with me the beauty that I saw. Art saves, and making art continues to save me every day.

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